With each premium Shopify account, users get 60 minutes of design time from the expert Shopify Theme Support team. One can utilize this design time to integrate special features into the theme, effectively boosting your store's sales.
Shopify Support can perform certain customizations to OS2.0 themes. Explore each supported customization's description to identify the ones that can boost your business.
Ensure the Second Upright Loop on the Cart Bag is Always Visible
Visit this link to learn about Shopify's design policy which takes just 15 minutes to read and understand.
The cart's bag icon displays a second upright loop handle when a product is added to the cart.
This customization ensures the secondary loop handle icon remains consistent, both before and after adding a product to the cart.
This customization effectively meets specific design requirements for stores.

Display Inventory of Product variants on the Product Page
Get the answer to your design queries in just 15 minutes with Shopify's Design Time. Visit our Design Policy page for more information.Product pages do not display inventory levels.
The customization actively showcases the current inventory quantity on the product page for the selected variant and promptly updates the inventory when a different variant is chosen.
Boosting purchase decisions and triggering urgency among customers becomes easier when you integrate product inventory into the product page. This approach helps, especially when the availability of items is limited, thereby bolstering buying excitement.
This customization is ideal for stores with limited inventory or for those where customers frequently purchase products in large volumes.
If your store does not use Shopify for inventory tracking, sells digital products, or continues to sell products even after reaching zero inventory, you should not display variant inventory.
For those using the free Online Store 2.0 theme version 8.0.0 or a later version, your theme already includes the Inventory block. You can download the newest free themes directly from the Theme Store. Alternatively, update your theme to gain access to the Inventory block.
Alter the Position of "Sold Out" and "Sale" Badges for Improved Online Visibility
Get your Shopify theme design ready in just 15 minutes.This enhancement allows for a customizable badge location setting within the theme editor. It provides the flexibility to position badges on any of the four corners of a product image.
This customization is ideal for stores in which the current badge position interferes with significant product visuals.
How to Modify Text on Banner Image
Shopify Theme Design guidance requires a duration of 15 minutes.
The image banner section exhibits centered text with a fully opaque box in the background.
This customization enables you to adjust the text position and box opacity through your theme editor settings.
If you use image banners in your store and encounter issues with text or box overlays obscuring critical parts of an image, this customization can effectively address your problem.
Important Update
For those utilizing Dawn version 2.1.0 or later versions, altering the text position has been incorporated into your theme. You can download the most recent version of Dawn from the Theme store. Alternatively, you can update your existing theme to gain access to this feature.
Integrating Language and Country Selector into the Header
Get your design completed in just 30 minutes with Shopify's Design Time option. The language and country selector only appear in the footer section of the storefront.This customization actively incorporates the language and country selectors into the header section.
This customization is ideal for global stores seeking to emphasize their customers' ability to modify the storefront language and country settings.
Prevent cluttering the header section of stores primarily frequented by customers from the same country who speak the same language.
Important Update
For users of the free Online Store 2.0 theme version 9.0.0 or newer, you can now add language and country selectors to the header by default. Visit the Theme store to download the latest free themes. Alternatively, you can update your current theme to take advantage of this feature now.
Guidelines for an Alternate Sticky Header
Take just 15 minutes for designing on Shopify.
The partial sticky header setting of Dawn only displays when a customer scrolls up, operating as a persistent header.
This enhancement provides a constant display of the sticky header. Both variants of the sticky header relinquish the announcement bar to save vertical space, a crucial factor for small screens.
This customization is effective for stores demanding constant visibility of header content or pages packed with content that necessitate significant scrolling to navigate back to the page's top.
Avoid stores that always display all page content.Show Available Variant Options on Collection Pages
Spend 15 minutes on Shopify Theme Design
This customization presents various available product variants as text on collection pages. It provides customers with a swift preview of options beneath the primary product information before they navigate to the product details.
This customization is ideal for stores carrying a wide array of similar variants.
Avoid using stores with a small product catalog, or stores where the majority of products have a single variant or a minimal number of variants.
Display SKU of the Product Variant on the Product Page
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The product pages do not display the variant SKU.
This customization actively shows the SKU on the product page, changing dynamically as a different variant is selected.
This customization is ideal for stores with numerous returning customers or those offering products from a specific manufacturer.
For users with a free Online Store 2.0 theme of version 8.0.0 or newer, the SKU block is incorporated into your theme. To get the SKU block, you can download the newest free themes from the Theme store or update your current theme.
Incorporate LinkedIn to Social Media Icons in Website Footer
Get your Shopify design done in just 15 minutes.This customization showcases the LinkedIn logo among your store's footer's social media icons.
How to Alter Gift Card Picture
Get your design ready in 15 minutes with Shopify's Design PolicyOur service enables you to customize your gift card image by choosing a preferred one, thereby replacing the default option.
This customization optimizes stores anticipation of gift card sales during special events or holidays.
Implementing "How did you hear about us" Feature on the Shopping Cart Page
Take just 15 minutes for Design time on Shopify.This customization effectively supports stores advertising on multiple platforms and aiming to collect additional data.